Dawn Wilson is a Registered Acupuncturist and Registered Massage Therapist who is a member in good standing with the College of Acupuncture of Alberta and NHPC. Dawn combines Ancient Eastern and Modern Western ideologies, giving personalized and comprehensive care through a holistic and multidisciplinary approach. Her interest and expertise address pain management, sport injuries, injury prevention and conditions of mental health such as stress, anxiety and depression.
In Dawns younger years she competed nationally and internationally in Karate, and currently pursues her love of ultra running. She understands the mental, emotional and physical demands we put on ourselves and the importance of balancing self care, recovery, nutrition and training for harmonising the mind, body and spirit.
Acupuncture is a Traditional Chinese Medicine practice that is used to promote the body's natural ability to heal itself. The insertion of very fine, thread like needles on strategic points of the body stimulates nerves, muscles and connective tissue, encouraging the body to self regulate, balancing the flow of energy.
Modalities used may include:
*Electroacupuncture *Moxibustion
*Cupping/Fire Cupping
*Auricular Therapy
*Wet Cupping/Bleeding
*Gua Sha
Dawn specializes in Deep Tissue and Therapeutic Massage, using a unique combination of techniques such as Trigger Point Release, PNF Stretching and Breath work. She believes in open communication between the client and the therapist to ensure each massage is customized, effective and result driven.
1 hr 15 min
115.50 Canadian dollars1 hr
94.50 Canadian dollars45 min
78.75 Canadian dollars30 min
63 Canadian dollars30 min
63 Canadian dollars45 min
78.75 Canadian dollars1 hr
94.50 Canadian dollars1 hr 15 min
115.50 Canadian dollars1 hr 30 min
130 Canadian dollars30 min
21 Canadian dollars